Free Wi-Fi

Internet access is hard to come by, so we are providing free Internet access through a number of mobile hotspots . If you can see either 416EXTRACT x942 or (or both) within the list of hotspots available on your device, you can obtain the password by automated text or by email.

There is no point in “going through the motions” to obtain the password if you don’t see one of the aforementioned hotspots within what is available to your device. You may however still let us know your location and we could let you know when we are available in your area.

Calling the above number and entering the extension (i.e., call, then only push 9-4-2 within 1 second of each other) will get you a recording explaining the above and pointing you to this webpage.

There is a limited number of free slots available, disclosed in the reply message, and the system will not allow further connections once that number is reached. Our clients (or donors) can receive such access on request, if available in their area.


QR coded SMS or Text matrix to allow easy texting to 416-EXTRACTTo get a text with the password, text to 416-EXTRACT (which is +14163987228) a text starting with the number 942 (the extension number) followed by #freewifipw . So the body of the message should be

942 #freewifipw

(what is in italics). The extension number (which starts the message) is important and cannot be omitted because we provide other services on this number and we need to be able to distinguish between them.


QR coded email to FreeWifiYou can also get the password by email, sending an email with the same words to freewifi at our domain name. In short, the body of the message should start with the extension number above, followed by space, followed by the same hashtag as above. You can then add comments or additional info about you, if you wish.

If you want to be kept informed of password changes, you may also email us as explained above, specifically mentioning that you want us to email you a new password in advance.

You will then receive the password shortly.


Our Internet speed is based on LTE, and in our measurements it is around 40 Mbps for both upload and download, with a 20ms ping and 2.2 jitter. You can do your own measurement using Ookla, Fast, TestMyNet or CIRA. If you do measure it, please let us know your results through one of the above methods (SMS or Email).

If you would like to block ads on your device or download / background play YouTube videos, instructions are available.


By texting and / or emailing us you are implicitly giving us permission to reply to you with the password. Our system keeps a copy of your message and our reply. There are no performance parameters expressed or implied and the service may be discontinued at any time. You assume full responsibility for your use of the Internet and will not hold or its officers liable for such use.'s wireless access points may be unsecured connections to the internet. is not responsible for data transmitted or loss of information over the wireless network. Users should be aware that third parties may be able to obtain information about users' activities when using the wireless service to connect to the internet. assumes no responsibility for the security and privacy of on-line transactions.
The service will support devices that use the 802.11b/g/n protocol, which is the main standard used for wireless access on laptop computers.
Wireless users are responsible for the protection of their devices from viruses, spyware and spam. is not responsible for the safety of equipment or for laptop configurations. provides basic instructions on how to connect to the network but is not able to provide technical assistance.


Thank you for visiting this page! If you would like to try our services you may sign-up to get internet calling for free on your smartphone. Email us at the aforementioned email if you would like our help in offering your own Internet access in a similar setup.

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