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The items for sale are described in the photo album, and that is probably the easiest way to browse through them. If you do not see the rich media below, go to its main page or new . You may browse the items, with more detail, as well as the asking prices, on Craigslist and / or Kijiji . If you see a small solid triangle at the beginning of a new paragraph, you may click it to reveal more text. You may also jump straight to Availability , Location and Directions or Contact . You can request most of the text in each section below on your mobile phone by texting 416-EXTRACT (398-7228) with the extension listed in the ad and a hashtag of the heading. For example, texting "9xx #location" (without quotes) will return the address while "9xx #public" will return public transportation detailed directions. Obviously, you need to replace xx above with the actual digits of the correct extension number. All the Goodies The prices listed below are the original prices. Askin...